What we had to do was do safe searching on our Chromebooks.On our Chromebooks we had to search information (for our report) about our insect/animal and type what we learnt from these websites.Some of us already knew some information about butterflies so we added it in to our report.
What I enjoyed about this is finding a picture of a butterfly and learning more and more and more about butterflies.I also enjoyed searching it up on the internet and finding out one of the amazing thing you could have known.
What was challenging was that we had to try and find some of the answers to our question and find them on the internet!There were loads of websites but I got over it by just knowing other information,instead of answering the question.
Bright Butterflies
Butterflies have different colors on their wings such as,blue,green,purple yellow and many more.Their wings slant in the air like an airplane swiftly through the sky to find their food.
They don’t really eat that much food but,they feed on small puddles on the ground,on wet areas,and leaves and plants.Some people think that butterflies hurt people on purpose,but in real life,they just attack when they think they are threatened by something.
These butterflies breathe through this type of part called a spiracle,a tiny hole.It is from something called exoskeleton.If they do not have enough food to feast on,they will die and won’t be able to have anymore babies.
Some butterflies live for about a week or 2 but,some others live to 8-9 months because,the weather might not be rainy,and so their would not be enough puddles so,they would have to find something
else to eat,and then the animal that is eating what the butterflies has to eat next,will have to find something else to feast on!
Group of butterflies
When butterflies are together and flying together,they are called a lepidoptera.Some times a group of butterflies can form different types of shapes like a flower,Star and many others.
exoskeleton-A part of an insect.And the butterflies use it to breathe and live.
spiracle-respiratory opening
slant-Go on an angle
purpose-Doing something like allowing something to happen.
threatened- taking hostile action against someone like threatening someone is like you are going to do something bad to them.
feast-Eat like you are really hungry and you just eat it.
lepidoptera-It's a name of a group of butterflies.
Great blog post Caroline! I love how much thought you've put into your reflection at the top! Did you edit all your sentences carefully?
ReplyDeleteI think